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Learn/Course/Kohya_ss LoRA Training Guide: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

FeaturedKohya_ss LoRA Training Guide: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Discover a comprehensive step-by-step guide to training LoRA models using Kohya_ss. Learn how to prepare images, configure paths, set training parameters, and monitor progress for optimal results. Perfect for both beginners and advanced users looking to master LoRA model training.

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of training a LoRA model using Kohya_ss. From image preparation to the final training process, this guide will cover all the essential steps to help you achieve high-quality results. Let's dive in!

Step 1: Preparing Your Images

1. Number and Size of Images

  • Quantity: Aim to gather 20 to 100 images.
  • Recommended Size: For best results, use images with a resolution of 1024x1024 pixels. A 512x512 pixel resolution is also acceptable, but higher resolutions will yield better quality.
  • Volume: A few dozen images are sufficient for effective training.

2. Image Quality

  • Resolution: Ensure images are of moderate resolution. Avoid using very small or low-quality images.

3. Thematic Consistency

  • Unified Theme: Your dataset should maintain a consistent theme and style. Avoid images with complex backgrounds or unrelated characters that could confuse the model.

4. Diversity in Angles and Expressions

  • Multiple Perspectives: Include images showing the character(s) from various angles, with different facial expressions and body poses.

5. Emphasis on Facial Features

  • Focus: Include more images that emphasize facial features.
  • Full-Body Shots: Use a smaller proportion of full-body images to maintain focus on the character's face.

Step 2: Uploading Images via Cloud Storage

1. Upload Your Image Package

  • Compress Your Images: Zip your images into a single archive.
  • Naming Convention: Name the file using the format x_name, where "x" represents the step number.

2. Extract the Folder

  • Unzip: Once uploaded to the cloud, extract the contents of the ZIP file.

Step 3: Tagging Your Images

1. Using Kohya_ss for Tagging

  • Tool Selection: Use the WD14 captioning tool within Kohya_ss for tagging your images.

2. Tagging Process

  • Directory Selection: Choose the folder containing your images.

  • Captioning: Click on Caption Images to start the tagging process.
  • Monitoring: You can track progress in the Log tab or check for .txt files in your image folder to ensure tagging is complete.

Step 4: Initiating LoRA Training

1. Access the LoRA Training Tab

  • Navigation: Go to the LoRA tab in Kohya_ss to begin setting up your training environment.

2. Configuring Paths

  • Config Path: Set the appropriate Config path for your training.

  • Model and Resources: Select the base model, specify the image resource path, and name your output model.

  • Output Directory: Define where the trained model will be saved.

Step 5: Configuring LoRA Training Parameters

1. Setting Epochs

  • Training Cycles: Define the number of epochs (complete passes over the dataset). For most projects, 5 to 10 epochs are recommended, depending on the number of images.

2. Max Training Steps

  • Speed Consideration: Configure the maximum training steps to balance training speed and model quality.

3. Start Training

  • Initiate Process: Once all parameters are set, start the training process and let the model learn from your data.

Step 6: Monitoring Training Progress

1. Check Training Status

  • Log Tab: Keep an eye on the Log tab to monitor progress and ensure everything is running smoothly.

Final Note:

For a deeper understanding of the various training parameters in Kohya_ss, check out the official Kohya_ss LoRA Training Parameters Guide.

With this guide, you're well on your way to training your own LoRA models with Kohya_ss. Happy training!
